About Us
The Donaldson's Diamonds are part of the Heart League which caters to individuals who are developmentally challenged.
In 1998-99 John Donaldson realized the need for a Hockey Program for Special Needs Hockey Children in the Don Mills area. Don Mills Diamonds began with ten players in their first year, 1998 – 1999; playing other teams in the Don Mills Civitan House League and other Special Needs Hockey Teams within the GTA. In the fall of 2008 the Diamonds had grown and was divided into two teams.
It is Thursday March 28th, 2013, and I felt drawn to this website dedicated to the Donaldson's Diamonds Hockey team my father, John Donaldson, so proudly founded in 1998. I must say I continue to be touched as this team, its very special players, their families, and, of course, the Don Mills Civitan, meant so very much to my Dad that mere words simply cannot possibly adequately capture it here. As I view this and see that this precious team continues to thrive, I am reminded of how proud my father must continue to be in heaven looking down and smiling at "his kids" enjoy themselves and grow. This was my Dad's dream, his core belief, that these children not only deserve this opportunity to enjoy our national past time but also need this to reinforce that they, too, have their own abilities that, given a chance, they can develop. Dad knew that "his kids" could grow, compete, mix socially, and, in general, thrive as each of us can if only provided the chance, if only people demonstrate tangibly that they believe in these wonderful children. Dad often spoke of these activities and the socializing attendant with them could only serve to further boost the self esteem of "his kids" Of course, Dad recognized the children could not flourish without their equally awesome and special parents for whom Dad had the utmost respect Yes, Dad loved "his kids" and this league, and I continue to be so proud of Dad's legacy. Thank You So Much for allowing my Dad's dream, his pride and joy, to live on. P.S. Phenomenal Website! With great respect, I must point out that there is a wee typo, an omission of the "d" in "Donalson's" under the caption "Website." Again, awesome work! Keep it up, and on the eve of this Easter Weekend Holiday, God Bless All of you!
ReplyDeleteWith Fondest Regards, Rest in Peace, Dad.
Peter S. Donaldson